Friday, November 2, 2012

My Mom - A Toughie and a Softie - Celestina and Co Giveaway

I have been planning to blog about how awesome my mom is but I can't seem to get enough inspiration or even think about a good title to start with. So, I came across this Giveaway Alert from Bebengisms and to win I had get as much entries I can. Out of the maximum number of entries which is 40, I could get 25 by doing a blog related to the one by Bebengisms wherein she magnifies the ability of women to be strong, tough and successful despite being deemed the weaker sex. You can read her post here.

Blogging juices flowing now.

Like all new things, I had to learn about motherhood by experience. I had to make mistakes to bounce back and learn from it. Being a new mom is tough, luckily, I have my mom by my side all the time. She's always there to tell me how to do things easily, what to do or not to do in messy situations and scold me if necessary - which are like, most of the time (perks of being a noob mom). Even before Kasey, Mom had been always like this, a disciplinarian, for which she is required to do since Dad has always been out of the country for work while my younger sister and I were growing up. She had always been tough, that sometimes I thought she was just being mean. But then when I got older, things come into light; I realized that all her efforts of scolding and reprimanding were just a fraction of showing her love for us. In this way, we can grow up to be respectable, good-natured and God-fearing women. Also, as my capacity to understand expands, mom gradually becomes my bestfriend; we became more open and began to confide in each other our struggles and joys. Having heard of her stories, a new person has been revealed. Just like me, she has been juggling so much emotions in her life but she doesn't allow herself to make us perceive them. All this time, she has been keeping a strong front for it is required of her. For when we, her children are weak, we have her as a source of strength. For when we thought it is hopeless, she exudes hope and faith. For when we are wrong, she stands her ground for us to know what is right and wrong, after all, she had gone all her years to know. But even if she is unmasked and all her weaknesses are revealed, I would still give her the same magnitude of love and respect because she deserves it. I am a self-proclaimed softie and it's very difficult for me to act strong when all I can do is cry my heart out when I'm hurt or choke in an argument. That is why my mom is my inspiration - tough front, soft heart. Just like the mom I wanted to be for my daughter Kasey.

Having completed this blog, I totally forgot that I was doing this to win the headbands from Celestina and Co. I hope she gets to read this since she's in the other side of the world now. And to my readers, I wish I was able to touch your hearts and make you love your moms more :)

About Celestina and Co.

Their headbands and other stuff are very cute, chic and classy. I already got Kasey's bloomers from them for her photoshoot. It's just too cute, I could wear them if only they wouldn't make me look like a repulsive overgrown baby with ruffled knickers. I'd want to purchase the headbands in this contest, but of course I'd want to get them for free so I'm taking my chances.